Friday, November 30, 2007

Grace comes to visit

My friend Grace from Georgia came to visit us for a night and meet my two little bebes.


I think is funny how Liam goes to the flowerbed to hide. . .

Halloween Video Experience

Here is an example of Liam trying to go in someone's house and pet their dog.


As you can see, Liam was a bumblebee and buzzed at all the neighbors before attempting to go inside their houses and pet their dogs. He also stole multiple pieces of candy, but was very polite, thanking each person for every candy that he stole. Mia decided to dress up at the last minute and wore a costume donated by her big brother. Mia, being only 4 1/2 months old at the time, is wearing a ladybug costume made for an 18 month old. If you look carefully with a magnifying glass, you can see her. Mommy and Daddy got creative and went as mommy and daddy.

My bebes